JTAG (Joint Test Action Group)
JTAG是英文“Joint Test Action Group(联合测试行为组织)”的词头字母的简写,该组织成立于1985 年,是由几家主要的电子制造商发起制订的PCB 和IC 测试标准。JTAG 建议于1990 年被IEEE 批准为IEEE1149.1-1990 测试访问端口和边界扫描结构标准。该标准规定了进行边界扫描所需要的硬件和软件。自从1990 年批准后,IEEE 分别于1993 年和1995 年对该标准作了补充,形成了现在使用的IEEE1149.1a-1993 和IEEE1149.1b-1994。JTAG 主要应用于:电路的边界扫描测试和可编程芯片的在系统编程。
JTAG也是一种国际标准测试协议(IEEE 1149.1兼容),主要用于芯片内部测试。现在多数的高级器件都支持JTAG协议,如DSP、FPGA器件等。标准的JTAG接口是4线:TMS、TCK、TDI、TDO,分别为模式选择、时钟、数据输入和数据输出线。 相关JTAG引脚的定义为:TCK为测试时钟输入;TDI为测试数据输入,数据通过TDI引脚输入JTAG接口;TDO为测试数据输出,数据通过TDO引脚从JTAG接口输出;TMS为测试模式选择,TMS用来设置JTAG接口处于某种特定的测试模式;TRST为测试复位,输入引脚,低电平有效。GND
JTAG最初是用来对芯片进行测试的,基本原理是在器件内部定义一个TAP(Test Access Port测试访问口)通过专用的JTAG测试工具对进行内部节点进行测试。JTAG测试允许多个器件通过JTAG接口串联在一起,形成一个JTAG链,能实现对各个器件分别测试。现在,JTAG接口还常用于实现ISP(In-System Programmable;在线编程),对FLASH等器件进行编程。
在硬件结构上,JTAG 接口包括两部分:JTAG 端口和控制器。与JTAG 接口兼容的器件可以是微处理器(MPU)、微控制器(MCU)、PLD、CPL、FPGA、ASIC 或其它符合IEEE1149.1 规范的芯片。IEEE1149.1 标准中规定对应于数字集成电路芯片的每个引脚都设有一个移位寄存单元,称为边界扫描单元BSC。它将JTAG 电路与内核逻辑电路联系起来,同时隔离内核逻辑电路和芯片引脚。由集成电路的所有边界扫描单元构成边界扫描寄存器BSR。边界扫描寄存器电路仅在进行JTAG 测试时有效,在集成电路正常工作时无效,不影响集成电路的功能。
一个含有JTAG Debug接口模块的CPU,只要时钟正常,就可以通过JTAG接口访问CPU的内部寄存器和挂在CPU总线上的设备,如FLASH,RAM,SOC(比如4510B,44Box,AT91M系列)内置模块的寄存器,象UART,Timers,GPIO等等的寄存器。
例如下载程序到RAM功能。了解SOC的都知道,要使用外接的RAM,需要参照SOC DataSheet的寄存器说明,设置RAM的基地址,总线宽度,访问速度等等。有的SOC则还需要Remap,才能正常工作。运行Firmware时,这些设置由Firmware的初始化程序完成。但如果使用JTAG接口,相关的寄存器可能还处在上电值,甚至时错误值,RAM不能正常工作,所以下载必然要失败。要正常使用,先要想办法设置RAM。在ADW中,可以在Console窗口通过Let 命令设置,在AXD中可以在Console窗口通过Set命令设置。
JTAG是英文“Joint Test Action Group(联合测试行为组织)”的词头字母的简写,该组织成立于1985 年,是由几家主要的电子制造商发起制订的PCB 和IC 测试标准。JTAG 建议于1990 年被IEEE 批准为IEEE1149.1-1990 测试访问端口和边界扫描结构标准。该标准规定了进行边界扫描所需要的硬件和软件。自从1990 年批准后,IEEE 分别于1993 年和1995 年对该标准作了补充,形成了现在使用的IEEE1149.1a-1993 和IEEE1149.1b-1994。JTAG 主要应用于:电路的边界扫描测试和可编程芯片的在系统编程。
JTAG也是一种国际标准测试协议(IEEE 1149.1兼容),主要用于芯片内部测试。现在多数的高级器件都支持JTAG协议,如DSP、FPGA器件等。标准的JTAG接口是4线:TMS、TCK、TDI、TDO,分别为模式选择、时钟、数据输入和数据输出线。 相关JTAG引脚的定义为:TCK为测试时钟输入;TDI为测试数据输入,数据通过TDI引脚输入JTAG接口;TDO为测试数据输出,数据通过TDO引脚从JTAG接口输出;TMS为测试模式选择,TMS用来设置JTAG接口处于某种特定的测试模式;TRST为测试复位,输入引脚,低电平有效。GND
JTAG最初是用来对芯片进行测试的,基本原理是在器件内部定义一个TAP(Test Access Port测试访问口)通过专用的JTAG测试工具对进行内部节点进行测试。JTAG测试允许多个器件通过JTAG接口串联在一起,形成一个JTAG链,能实现对各个器件分别测试。现在,JTAG接口还常用于实现ISP(In-System Programmable;在线编程),对FLASH等器件进行编程。
在硬件结构上,JTAG 接口包括两部分:JTAG 端口和控制器。与JTAG 接口兼容的器件可以是微处理器(MPU)、微控制器(MCU)、PLD、CPL、FPGA、ASIC 或其它符合IEEE1149.1 规范的芯片。IEEE1149.1 标准中规定对应于数字集成电路芯片的每个引脚都设有一个移位寄存单元,称为边界扫描单元BSC。它将JTAG 电路与内核逻辑电路联系起来,同时隔离内核逻辑电路和芯片引脚。由集成电路的所有边界扫描单元构成边界扫描寄存器BSR。边界扫描寄存器电路仅在进行JTAG 测试时有效,在集成电路正常工作时无效,不影响集成电路的功能。
一个含有JTAG Debug接口模块的CPU,只要时钟正常,就可以通过JTAG接口访问CPU的内部寄存器和挂在CPU总线上的设备,如FLASH,RAM,SOC(比如4510B,44Box,AT91M系列)内置模块的寄存器,象UART,Timers,GPIO等等的寄存器。
例如下载程序到RAM功能。了解SOC的都知道,要使用外接的RAM,需要参照SOC DataSheet的寄存器说明,设置RAM的基地址,总线宽度,访问速度等等。有的SOC则还需要Remap,才能正常工作。运行Firmware时,这些设置由Firmware的初始化程序完成。但如果使用JTAG接口,相关的寄存器可能还处在上电值,甚至时错误值,RAM不能正常工作,所以下载必然要失败。要正常使用,先要想办法设置RAM。在ADW中,可以在Console窗口通过Let 命令设置,在AXD中可以在Console窗口通过Set命令设置。
CarDAQ2534 is the market's most rugged PassThru (J2534) device; ideal for in-vehicle or assembly-line applications. It features: sealed connectors, an aluminum case, optically isolated host interfaces, 6-15 V operating voltage with reverse battery protection, and an industrial (-40 to +80?C) operating temperature range. Compare that with the competition's delicate PCMCIA dongles, plastic cases, and laboratory-conditions equipment. Only CarDAQ2534 can handle harsh in-vehicle and assembly-line environments.
Bus Protocols
Ford SCP (J1850PWM)
GM Class2 (J1850VPW)
KWP2000 (ISO9141/14230)
Partially compliant to SAE J2534 (Feb 2002) and SAE J2534-1 (Dec 2004)
FEPS programming voltage on J1962 pin 13
6 General purpose analog inputs (0-27V, 2Ksps, 12 bit)
Product Specifications
Operating voltage: 6 – 15 Volts
Size: 1.25”H x 7.5”D x 5.25”W
Operating Temperature: Industrial Range (-40 to +80?C)
Bus Protocols
Ford SCP (J1850PWM)
GM Class2 (J1850VPW)
KWP2000 (ISO9141/14230)
Partially compliant to SAE J2534 (Feb 2002) and SAE J2534-1 (Dec 2004)
FEPS programming voltage on J1962 pin 13
6 General purpose analog inputs (0-27V, 2Ksps, 12 bit)
Product Specifications
Operating voltage: 6 – 15 Volts
Size: 1.25”H x 7.5”D x 5.25”W
Operating Temperature: Industrial Range (-40 to +80?C)
vi Editor Commands
vi Editor Commands
Quick links...
General Startup
Cursor Movement
Screen Movement
Copying Code
Put Command
Find Commands
Miscellaneous Commands
Line Editor Mode
ex Commands
Reading Files
Write File
Shell Escape
General Startup
To use vi: vi filename
To exit vi and save changes: ZZ or :wq
To exit vi without saving changes: :q!
To enter vi command mode: [esc]
A number preceding any vi command tells vi to repeat
that command that many times.
Cursor Movement
h move left (backspace)
j move down
k move up
l move right (spacebar)
[return] move to the beginning of the next line
$ last column on the current line
0 move cursor to the first column on the
current line
^ move cursor to first nonblank column on the
current line
w move to the beginning of the next word or
punctuation mark
W move past the next space
b move to the beginning of the previous word
or punctuation mark
B move to the beginning of the previous word,
ignores punctuation
e end of next word or punctuation mark
E end of next word, ignoring punctuation
H move cursor to the top of the screen
M move cursor to the middle of the screen
L move cursor to the bottom of the screen
Screen Movement
G move to the last line in the file
xG move to line x
z+ move current line to top of screen
z move current line to the middle of screen
z- move current line to the bottom of screen
^F move forward one screen
^B move backward one line
^D move forward one half screen
^U move backward one half screen
^R redraw screen
( does not work with VT100 type terminals )
^L redraw screen
( does not work with Televideo terminals )
r replace character under cursor with next
character typed
R keep replacing character until [esc] is hit
i insert before cursor
a append after cursor
A append at end of line
O open line above cursor and enter append mode
x delete character under cursor
dd delete line under cursor
dw delete word under cursor
db delete word before cursor
Copying Code
yy (yank)'copies' line which may then be put by
the p(put) command. Precede with a count for
multiple lines.
Put Command
brings back previous deletion or yank of lines,
words, or characters
P bring back before cursor
p bring back after cursor
Find Commands
? finds a word going backwards
/ finds a word going forwards
f finds a character on the line under the
cursor going forward
F finds a character on the line under the
cursor going backwards
t find a character on the current line going
forward and stop one character before it
T find a character on the current line going
backward and stop one character before it
; repeat last f, F, t, T
Miscellaneous Commands
. repeat last command
u undoes last command issued
U undoes all commands on one line
xp deletes first character and inserts after
second (swap)
J join current line with the next line
^G display current line number
% if at one parenthesis, will jump to its mate
mx mark current line with character x
'x find line marked with character x
NOTE: Marks are internal and not written to the file.
Line Editor Mode
Any commands form the line editor ex can be issued
upon entering line mode.
To enter: type ':'
To exit: press[return] or [esc]
ex Commands
For a complete list consult the
UNIX Programmer's Manual
# line number range
old pattern to replace
new pattern to insert
g optional key for global substitution
(multiple occurences of old on the same line
will not be replace without this)
copies (reads) filename after cursor in file
currently editing
:r filename
:w saves the current file without quitting
:# move to line #
:$ move to last line of file
executes 'cmd' as a shell command.
Quick links...
General Startup
Cursor Movement
Screen Movement
Copying Code
Put Command
Find Commands
Miscellaneous Commands
Line Editor Mode
ex Commands
Reading Files
Write File
Shell Escape
To use vi: vi filename
To exit vi and save changes: ZZ or :wq
To exit vi without saving changes: :q!
To enter vi command mode: [esc]
A number preceding any vi command tells vi to repeat
that command that many times.
h move left (backspace)
j move down
k move up
l move right (spacebar)
[return] move to the beginning of the next line
$ last column on the current line
0 move cursor to the first column on the
current line
^ move cursor to first nonblank column on the
current line
w move to the beginning of the next word or
punctuation mark
W move past the next space
b move to the beginning of the previous word
or punctuation mark
B move to the beginning of the previous word,
ignores punctuation
e end of next word or punctuation mark
E end of next word, ignoring punctuation
H move cursor to the top of the screen
M move cursor to the middle of the screen
L move cursor to the bottom of the screen
G move to the last line in the file
xG move to line x
z+ move current line to top of screen
z move current line to the middle of screen
z- move current line to the bottom of screen
^F move forward one screen
^B move backward one line
^D move forward one half screen
^U move backward one half screen
^R redraw screen
( does not work with VT100 type terminals )
^L redraw screen
( does not work with Televideo terminals )
r replace character under cursor with next
character typed
R keep replacing character until [esc] is hit
i insert before cursor
a append after cursor
A append at end of line
O open line above cursor and enter append mode
x delete character under cursor
dd delete line under cursor
dw delete word under cursor
db delete word before cursor
yy (yank)'copies' line which may then be put by
the p(put) command. Precede with a count for
multiple lines.
brings back previous deletion or yank of lines,
words, or characters
P bring back before cursor
p bring back after cursor
? finds a word going backwards
/ finds a word going forwards
f finds a character on the line under the
cursor going forward
F finds a character on the line under the
cursor going backwards
t find a character on the current line going
forward and stop one character before it
T find a character on the current line going
backward and stop one character before it
; repeat last f, F, t, T
. repeat last command
u undoes last command issued
U undoes all commands on one line
xp deletes first character and inserts after
second (swap)
J join current line with the next line
^G display current line number
% if at one parenthesis, will jump to its mate
mx mark current line with character x
'x find line marked with character x
NOTE: Marks are internal and not written to the file.
Any commands form the line editor ex can be issued
upon entering line mode.
To enter: type ':'
To exit: press[return] or [esc]
For a complete list consult the
UNIX Programmer's Manual
copies (reads) filename after cursor in file
currently editing
:r filename
:w saves the current file without quitting
:# move to line #
:$ move to last line of file
executes 'cmd' as a shell command.
01 SEED/KEY - Alfa/Fiat EDC15C7-E3
02 SEED/KEY - Citroen/Peugeot EDC15C2
03 SEED/KEY - Alfa/Fiat EDC15C
04 SEED/KEY - Alfa/Fiat M1.5.5
05 SEED/KEY - Alfa/Fiat ME7H4 E2 - ME7 E3
06 SEED/KEY - Fiat JTD EDC15C6-E2
07 SEED/KEY - MCC Smart E2E3
09 SEED/KEY - Chrysler EDC15
12 SEED/KEY - MCC Smart CDI E2E3
14 SEED/KEY - Renault DCI
15 SEED/KEY - Mercedes CDI E2
16 SEED/KEY - Nissan Common Rail
17 SEED/KEY - Mercedes CDI E3
18 SEED/KEY - Hyundai/Kia
19 SEED/KEY - BMW 3000D / Land Rover / Mini One / MG
20 SEED/KEY - Opel M1.5.5
21 SEED/KEY - Opel ME1.5.5
22 SEED/KEY - Opel 1700 DTI DELCO - DTI E3
23 SEED/KEY - Opel 1800/2000 SIMTEC 70/90
24 SEED/KEY - Opel 1900 com 2 plcc ou 29F200 psop
25 SEED/KEY - Opel Multec F e Multec H
26 SEED/KEY - Marelli IAW 4AF/59F/5AF/5NF/49F
27 SEED/KEY - Toyota Yaris
28 SEED/KEY - Renault Clio / Nissan / Suzuki Jimny
29 SEED/KEY - Marelli Multijet
30 SEED/KEY - Mini Cooper 1600
31 SEED/KEY - Renault Sirius32
32 SEED/KEY - Honda Civic 1700 CTDi
33 SEED/KEY - Citroen/Peugeot 1.6 16v IAW 48P2
34 SEED/KEY - Audi/VW Bosch 29F400/29F800 E2-E3-E4
35 SEED/KEY - Citroen/Peugeot 1.6 16V ME 7.4.4
36 SEED/KEY - Peugeot 206 RC IAW6LP
37 SEED/KEY - Citroen 1400 diesel SID 80X
39 SEED/KEY - IAW 4TV - VAG 1400 16V / Seat Ibiza 2005
40 SEED/KEY - Land Rover TD5 29F200
41 SEED/KEY - Peugeot 5W4S sid803 2000Hdi
42 SEED/KEY - IAW Opel 1.3 Multijet
43 SEED/KEY - Siemens 5WS Peugeot 2.0 Hdi Sid803A
44 SEED/KEY - BMW 320d 136 CV EDC15
46 SEED/KEY - IAW 5NR Renault
47 SEED/KEY - Modus Delphi E4
48 SEED/KEY - Alfa EDC16
49 SEED/KEY - Alfa EDC16plus
50 SEED/KEY - Peugeot 5NP
51 SEED/KEY - Peugeot EDC16
52 SEED/KEY - Peugeot EDC16plus
53 SEED/KEY - BMW MS 4.3
54 SEED/KEY - BMW MS 4.2
56 SEED/KEY - Opel EDC16
57 SEED/KEY - Mercedes EDC 16P31 OBDII
58 SEED/KEY - Mercedes EDC 16P31 CAN-BUS
59 SEED/KEY - Citroen / Peugeot ME7.4.5
60 SEED/KEY - Renault Delphi E4 DCI CAN
61 SEED/KEY - Renault SID301 CAN
62 SEED/KEY - FIAT Marelli 6F3 CAN
63 SEED/KEY - Lancia Siemens SID803A CAN
64 SEED/KEY - KIA—Hyundai Delphi DDCR
65 SEED/KEY - Renault Denso 3000 DCI
68 SEED/KEY - Renault Sirius34
69 SEED/KEY - Delco Multec HSFI 2.3
70 SEED/KEY - Opel Bosch Me7.9.6
02 SEED/KEY - Citroen/Peugeot EDC15C2
03 SEED/KEY - Alfa/Fiat EDC15C
04 SEED/KEY - Alfa/Fiat M1.5.5
05 SEED/KEY - Alfa/Fiat ME7H4 E2 - ME7 E3
06 SEED/KEY - Fiat JTD EDC15C6-E2
07 SEED/KEY - MCC Smart E2E3
09 SEED/KEY - Chrysler EDC15
12 SEED/KEY - MCC Smart CDI E2E3
14 SEED/KEY - Renault DCI
15 SEED/KEY - Mercedes CDI E2
16 SEED/KEY - Nissan Common Rail
17 SEED/KEY - Mercedes CDI E3
18 SEED/KEY - Hyundai/Kia
19 SEED/KEY - BMW 3000D / Land Rover / Mini One / MG
20 SEED/KEY - Opel M1.5.5
21 SEED/KEY - Opel ME1.5.5
22 SEED/KEY - Opel 1700 DTI DELCO - DTI E3
23 SEED/KEY - Opel 1800/2000 SIMTEC 70/90
24 SEED/KEY - Opel 1900 com 2 plcc ou 29F200 psop
25 SEED/KEY - Opel Multec F e Multec H
26 SEED/KEY - Marelli IAW 4AF/59F/5AF/5NF/49F
27 SEED/KEY - Toyota Yaris
28 SEED/KEY - Renault Clio / Nissan / Suzuki Jimny
29 SEED/KEY - Marelli Multijet
30 SEED/KEY - Mini Cooper 1600
31 SEED/KEY - Renault Sirius32
32 SEED/KEY - Honda Civic 1700 CTDi
33 SEED/KEY - Citroen/Peugeot 1.6 16v IAW 48P2
34 SEED/KEY - Audi/VW Bosch 29F400/29F800 E2-E3-E4
35 SEED/KEY - Citroen/Peugeot 1.6 16V ME 7.4.4
36 SEED/KEY - Peugeot 206 RC IAW6LP
37 SEED/KEY - Citroen 1400 diesel SID 80X
39 SEED/KEY - IAW 4TV - VAG 1400 16V / Seat Ibiza 2005
40 SEED/KEY - Land Rover TD5 29F200
41 SEED/KEY - Peugeot 5W4S sid803 2000Hdi
42 SEED/KEY - IAW Opel 1.3 Multijet
43 SEED/KEY - Siemens 5WS Peugeot 2.0 Hdi Sid803A
44 SEED/KEY - BMW 320d 136 CV EDC15
46 SEED/KEY - IAW 5NR Renault
47 SEED/KEY - Modus Delphi E4
48 SEED/KEY - Alfa EDC16
49 SEED/KEY - Alfa EDC16plus
50 SEED/KEY - Peugeot 5NP
51 SEED/KEY - Peugeot EDC16
52 SEED/KEY - Peugeot EDC16plus
53 SEED/KEY - BMW MS 4.3
54 SEED/KEY - BMW MS 4.2
56 SEED/KEY - Opel EDC16
57 SEED/KEY - Mercedes EDC 16P31 OBDII
58 SEED/KEY - Mercedes EDC 16P31 CAN-BUS
59 SEED/KEY - Citroen / Peugeot ME7.4.5
60 SEED/KEY - Renault Delphi E4 DCI CAN
61 SEED/KEY - Renault SID301 CAN
62 SEED/KEY - FIAT Marelli 6F3 CAN
63 SEED/KEY - Lancia Siemens SID803A CAN
64 SEED/KEY - KIA—Hyundai Delphi DDCR
65 SEED/KEY - Renault Denso 3000 DCI
68 SEED/KEY - Renault Sirius34
69 SEED/KEY - Delco Multec HSFI 2.3
70 SEED/KEY - Opel Bosch Me7.9.6
FlexRay basics
FlexRay basics
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the amount of electronics that have been introduced into the car, and this trend is expected to continue as car manufacturers introduce further advances in safety, reliability and comfort. The introduction of advanced control systems combining multiple sensors, actuators and electronic control units are beginning to place demands on the communication technology that were not previously addressed by existing communication protocols. Additional requirements for future in-car control applications include the combination of higher data rates, deterministic behavior and the support of fault tolerance.Flexibility in both bandwidth and system extension will also be key attributes as the need for increased functionality and on-board diagnostics also increase. Availability, reliability and data bandwidth are the key for targeted applications in Powertrain, Chassis and Body control, and these must also be supported within the automotive environment which presents some unique challenges. The core member companies of the FlexRay Consortium (BMW, Bosch, DaimlerChrysler, Freescale, GM, NXP Semiconductors and Volkswagen) have been working together in developing the requirements for an advanced communication system for future automotive applications. These seven companies have brought together their respective areas of expertise to define a communication system that is targeted to support the needs of future in-car control applications.FlexRay is a communication system that will support the needs of future in-car control applications. At the core of the FlexRay system is the FlexRay communications protocol. The protocol provides flexibility and determinism by combining a scalable static and dynamic message transmission, incorporating the advantages of familiar synchronous and asynchronous protocols. The protocol also supports:
Fault-tolerant clock synchronization via a global time base
Collision-free bus access
Guaranteed message latency
Message oriented addressing via identifiers
Scalable system fault-tolerance via the support of either single or dual channels A physical layer incorporating an independent Bus Guardian provides further support for error containment. The FlexRay system is targeted to support a data rate of 10Mbit/sec with increased flexibility for easy system extension and the dynamic use of bandwidth. The 10Mbit/sec data rate is available on two channels, giving a gross data rate of up to 20Mbit/sec. In support of FlexRay, an array of development tools for design, measurement and simulation of the communication system is available on the market. FlexRay is targeted at meeting the needs of present and future in-car control applications and the aim is to establish FlexRay as the de facto standard in the automotive industry.
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the amount of electronics that have been introduced into the car, and this trend is expected to continue as car manufacturers introduce further advances in safety, reliability and comfort. The introduction of advanced control systems combining multiple sensors, actuators and electronic control units are beginning to place demands on the communication technology that were not previously addressed by existing communication protocols. Additional requirements for future in-car control applications include the combination of higher data rates, deterministic behavior and the support of fault tolerance.Flexibility in both bandwidth and system extension will also be key attributes as the need for increased functionality and on-board diagnostics also increase. Availability, reliability and data bandwidth are the key for targeted applications in Powertrain, Chassis and Body control, and these must also be supported within the automotive environment which presents some unique challenges. The core member companies of the FlexRay Consortium (BMW, Bosch, DaimlerChrysler, Freescale, GM, NXP Semiconductors and Volkswagen) have been working together in developing the requirements for an advanced communication system for future automotive applications. These seven companies have brought together their respective areas of expertise to define a communication system that is targeted to support the needs of future in-car control applications.FlexRay is a communication system that will support the needs of future in-car control applications. At the core of the FlexRay system is the FlexRay communications protocol. The protocol provides flexibility and determinism by combining a scalable static and dynamic message transmission, incorporating the advantages of familiar synchronous and asynchronous protocols. The protocol also supports:
Fault-tolerant clock synchronization via a global time base
Collision-free bus access
Guaranteed message latency
Message oriented addressing via identifiers
Scalable system fault-tolerance via the support of either single or dual channels A physical layer incorporating an independent Bus Guardian provides further support for error containment. The FlexRay system is targeted to support a data rate of 10Mbit/sec with increased flexibility for easy system extension and the dynamic use of bandwidth. The 10Mbit/sec data rate is available on two channels, giving a gross data rate of up to 20Mbit/sec. In support of FlexRay, an array of development tools for design, measurement and simulation of the communication system is available on the market. FlexRay is targeted at meeting the needs of present and future in-car control applications and the aim is to establish FlexRay as the de facto standard in the automotive industry.
да в общем то одинаковые там едиабасы инпа работает с к-лайн, потому что там изначально это предусмотрено (есть PRG для OBD и ADS)просто в тех инпах, что лежат в свободном доступе едиабас 6.4.7, а в васе - 6.5.0 (некоторые PRG в васе требуют 6.5.0 и вылетают с крэш-дампом под 6.4.7). впрочем, это не проблема, 6.5.0 идет на васовском басик-цд, хоть и самостоятельно не ставится в GFSlight. однако в комплекте 6.4.7 есть отладчик, который не работает под 6.5 - это обидно.но самая главная засада - PRG-шки в васе работают напрямую с EDIC - дают ей команды и т.д., причем даже не пользут API от EDIC, а фигачат все руками, поэтому простыми средствами заставить работать с к-лайн ее невозможно (ну в смысле написать в конфиге Interface=STD:OBD ), так что пока я стряпаю эмулятор VAS5054а идея с HEX-CAN именно изза CAN, ибо в последних шкодах, например, по к-лайн ни чего и не видно почти
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